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Oregon City, OR

625 Center Street, Oregon City, OR, 97045, US


Full Name of Volunteer

Full Address of Volunteer

Full Name of Emergency Contact

ADA: Do you have any special needs that require reasonable accommodations?

When are you available to volunteer?

Preferred Volunteer Days; Check all that apply.

Areas of Interest; Check all that apply.

I am willing to fill out a background check prior to meeting about volunteering.

Release of Indemnity. In consideration of the issuance of a permit/permission by the City of Oregon City,  the undersigned hereby agrees to forever indemnify and hold harmless the City of Oregon City, the City Commissioners and the officers, agents, employees of the City from:

  1. All liability, damage, loss cost of expense, including, but not limited to attorney fees, that the indemnities may sustain or incur on account of any damage to or destruction of any property that the City may own or in which it may have interest.
  2. All liability, damage, loss cost of expense, including, but not limited to attorney fees, due to any damage to or destruction of any property belonging to any person, firm or corporation; and
  3. All liability, damage, loss cost of expense, including, but not limited to attorney fees, due to any damage resulting from injury to or death of any person or persons resulting from or in any way connected with the use by the permittee, its agents, or employees, to which the permit/permission pertains.

By signing this form I acknowledge that I have read and accept the conditions above.

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